Need to speak to someone about anything you’ve seen on Fumble, or looking for further info and advice? We’ve got you. Here’s lots of options for further support
Talk to someone right now
Give Us A Shout offers free, confidential support via text. This means you can speak to someone trained in mental health support without even having to leave your house! Text ‘shout’ to 85258. Here for you 24/7.
Mental health and wellbeing – Mental health support for young people – Support for under 25s – Support for under 18s – Mental health charity for LGBTQ people
We recognise it’s not always easy to get the help you need in the current healthcare system. There are long waiting times and, on top of that, social barriers that can make it even harder. For example, there’s a harmful stereotype that boys and men don’t struggle with mental health, when of course we know that they do. Gender, race, being disabled, and being neurodivergent (and more) can all play a part. It also takes a lot of energy to ask for help, and you might not have lots of energy at the moment. If all you can manage is talking to a trusted adult, then that’s a good place to start. Childline has lots of tips for who that ‘trusted adult’ may be for you, and how to start the conversation.
If you’re feeling frustrated about the current situation, you’re not alone. YoungMinds are currently campaigning specifically for more mental health support for young people: #EndTheWait. Fumble backs this campaign and we are committed to fighting for better mental health support, for all young people.
Sexual health support and information – Healthy lives for young people – Sexual health, HIV and AIDS support and information
Sexual violence or abuse support – Advice, helpline and resources for domestic abuse – Support for girls aged 13+ who survived any type of sexual violence (including online) – Support for men, boys, and non-binary survivors of sexual violence aged 13+ – Support for LGBTQ+ people surviving abuse aged 13+ – Support survivors of sexual violence with a learning disability aged 13+
Gender identity support and resources
If you’re looking for further support around gender identity, we have a dedicated page of resources available here.
We’ve also launched our transformative content series: “Am I trans?” Translating sex, identity & relationships, supporting trans+ and non-binary young people to access sex and relationships education that is relevant to their experiences and needs. Discover the full series here.
Hannah Witton
Ash Hardell
Sexplanations (Dr Lindsey Doe)
Other great online spaces for young people – Inclusive, comprehensive and supportive sexuality and relationships information for teens and emerging adults – A guide to sex, love and you for over 14s – Real info about sex, your body and relationships in fun, animated videos – A website for young men with up-to-date health information – An award-winning health website for young women
Support for harmful content online
Internet Watch Foundation –
Report Harmful Content –
For parents, carers and other interested adults
Young people also consistently say that they want opportunities for private and self-directed learning and guidance. This can be disconcerting for adults, who worry about who young people are communicating with and what information they are encountering. People and information online can be variable in quality and reliability, and of course there are risks of exploitation and misinformation.
However, like it or not, young people are consulting the internet for educational purposes – and often, they’re turning to unhealthy, unreliable and unsafe sources. Fumble is unabashed in being an alternative to this.
Last Reviewed 15 November 2023
Image Credit: Riccardo Annandale via Unsplash