
Video: Sexual consent – it’s as simple as tea

Using an incredibly British analogy, Blue Seat Studios presents a video that explains sexual consent through a cup of tea

Tea and consent? What’s the connection? Blue Seat Studios has made a nifty video, as a starting point to understanding sexual consent. In very British style, it uses the situation of offering and making someone a cup of tea.

Jump straight to our Getting help section below if you want to access support around any experiences of sexual violence and unwanted sexual behaviour.

Copyright ©2015 Emmeline May and Blue Seat Studios

In reality, sexual consent can feel much more complicated than ‘tea consent’, so this video really is just a starting point. We know that it can feel much trickier to say no to sex, compared to refusing a cup of tea. There are also lots of ways that people communicate no, as well as with their body language.

Ultimately, sexual consent is about checking in and coming to intimacy with genuine care for your sexual partner (regardless of whether that’s a long-term partner or a more casual hook-up). You should be trying your best to make the other person feel as comfortable as possible, and aiming to give them the best time you can (though, that doesn’t mean doing things you don’t want to do!).

The more thought that goes into communication, building trust and considering each other’s feelings, the better the sex will be, and the more fun you’ll have together.

Getting help

If you’ve experienced any unwanted sexual behaviour or any kind of sexual violence, there are places you can go for help and support. You don’t have to manage this alone. There are specially trained professionals, who want to help, and you can disclose as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

Other support

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Last Reviewed 31 May 2023

Image Credit: Emmeline May and Blue Seat Studios

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