5 quick hacks for a body positive summer
Sun’s out, guns out—feel great. Fumble writer Leiran Gibson offers advice on making your summer a body positive one
For some people, the summer season brings on discomfort, stress, and even anger in the way they view their body. And that sucks. So, as the weather hots up, here are some suggestions for a brilliant body positive summer!
1. Get butt naked
Every day we see so many examples of what the media and internet think are sexy, hot and beautiful bodies. So much so that we often forget just how beautiful we are. And this can really ramp up in the warmer months, when everyone’s showing a bit more skin. So, why not take a brief moment every day to look at yourself in the mirror and find all the parts of your naked body that you like? Go on—you’re as hot as the weather.
2. Keep it clean

With the scorching heat and pesky pollen flying everywhere, muggy summer days can make you feel sweaty and irritable. A long cool shower can make a huge difference when it’s muggy. Moisturising your skin, using deodorant and trimming facial or body hair down can also help. By taking extra care of your body in the hot weather, you’ll not only feel cooler during summer scorchers, but more confident about the way your body looks!
3. Surround yourself with body positive people
It’s really easy to get stressed about your body image. But if you surround ourselves with people who are confident enough to talk openly and positively about the way they look and feel, you can get lots of perspective about how other people view their body and how you can talk openly about yours. If you like something about a friend’s body, why not be honest and tell them how great they look?
4. Try writing it down or typing it out, you’ll remember it
If someone gives you a compliment, write it down or save it as a note on your phone. Maybe even write down the name of the person who said it to you. If you remember what people like about you, you can cheer yourself up by revisiting their words whenever you feel blue with your body.
5. Give yourself time
It will take time to change the way you think about your body, so give yourself time. Accepting your body is a process, and it may feel especially difficult on some days more than others. This is really common, and it’s okay!
We all have moments where we feel down or dysmorphic about our bodies, and it can feel particularly intense in the summer. Next time you feel jaded with your lovely self, give our handy tricks a go. And remember, no matter what shape and size your body is, you are beautiful. So embrace it, and enjoy the sun!
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Last Reviewed 13 January 2023
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