Blog: The Herpes Diaries #1
Navigating sex, relationships and life with an incurable STI, here’s what it’s really like to get diagnosed with herpes.
Navigating sex, relationships and life with an incurable STI, here’s what it’s really like to get diagnosed with herpes.
A handy guide to help you get to grips with condoms Condoms are a barrier method of contraception – they literally put a barrier between you and your sexual partner. They can prevent both unintended pregnancies and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are up to 98% effective at preventing pregnancy, they are…
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the virus HSV, but what is that and how do we keep ourselves safe?
Genital warts are a viral sexually transmitted infection caused by HPV, but what is that and how do we keep ourselves safe?
Gonorrhoea is the second most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection, so we need to know what it is and how to keep ourselves safe
It’s easy to find free condoms made of safe and pleasurable materials – even if you’re under 16
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection, especially for under 25s, so we need to know what it is and how to keep ourselves safe
And how can you protect yourself against them?