
Relationships & sex education for trans & non-binary youth

Everyone deserves inclusive, safe and trustworthy relationships and sex education, including trans and non-binary young people.

We’re creating a transformative new content series (articles on our website and social media posts) specifically for trans and non-binary young people.

When we say ‘relationships and sex education’, we mean so much more than information about sex itself! We know it’s sometimes hard to understand the range of topics, without focusing on the ‘sex’ part. But safe and trustworthy relationships and sex education supports young people with so much more than sex. It’s also:

🙌 Consent (sexual or not) & pleasure

🙌 Setting and communicating boundaries

🙌 Healthy, unhealthy & abusive behaviours in relationships (romantic, sexual, friendships, family)

🙌 Sexuality

🙌 Gender identity

🙌 Sexual health (contraception and STIs testing)

🙌 Body image

🙌 Neurodivergence (ADHD, ASD, OCD & more)

🙌 Mental well-being (building resilience, confidence & self-esteem)

🙌 Online life (building digital resilience & staying safe)

🙌 Making safe & informed decisions online & in ‘real life’

We always co-create our educational content with young people. This is the very core of Fumble: created with young people, for young people.

Phase one: Surveying!

We’re now running a survey, which is the beginning of our co-creation process. We’re asking trans and non-binary young people, living in the UK and aged 13-25, to fill this out.

We want to know what support and education trans and non-binary young people want. What’s currently missing? What specific content can we co-create to better support them? We hope to gather answers to these querstions from the survey.

The findings will steer our new content series, which we’ll be launching in March 2024.

This project is funded by TRANSforming Futures. TRANSforming Futures is a partnership between Stonewall, LGBT Consortium, Be North, CliniQ, Galop, Gendered Intelligence, GIRES, Mermaids, Sparkle, UK Black Pride, made possible by The National Lottery Community Fund, designed to help create lasting and meaningful change for trans communities in England.