Fumble's Youth Manifesto

Our Youth Manifesto shouts about the changes young people want to see when it comes to accessing relationships and sex education (RSE) online.

Here are changes young people want to see

This will provide us with a safe and inclusive space to learn more about sex and relationships from a variety of young people’s experiences and perspectives, without worrying about seeing harmful content such as unwanted exposure to sexually explicit content (e.g., porn, images of genitals) without warning. This space should have reliable, relevant and trustworthy information where our questions can be answered in private, without fear of judgement or embarrassment.

The research behind
our manifesto

Together with over 200 young people from across the UK, we’ve created a Youth Manifesto that shouts about the changes young people want to see when it comes to accessing relationships and sex education online.

In January 2022, we conducted a survey of young people aged 11-25 living in the UK to ask about searching for RSE information online, issues with the online world and changes they want to see. 

We took the findings from this survey and turned them into a manifesto in collaboration with young people through our co-creation workshops. Discover the full data below.

RSE Online: Young People’s Views 2022

Why do young people go online for RSE?

to find more information
to hear other people’s views and experiences
to find answers in private
RSE Online: Young People’s Views 2022

Problems faced by young people when accessing RSE online

not knowing what content is reliable or safe impacted them a lot or some of the time
seeing sexually explicit content when searching for information impacted them a lot or some of the time
turned to porn for answers, but most did not find it useful
RSE Online: Young People’s Views 2022

Changes young people want to see when it comes to accessing RSE online

access to a happy, healthy place online providing RSE for young people
to be involved in creating content on the topics of relationships, sex, identity, healthy bodies and mental health
educate parents and carers on social media, the online world and what young people are facing

Our backers

Here are some of the organisations backing our manifesto

What our manifesto backers have to say

Why Fumble matters



Whether you’re a young person, parent, teacher or you represent a youth organisation, we invite you to back our manifesto today.

Our survey found that 92% of young people go online for questions about relationships, sex or wellbeing.

Further, online RSE platforms using social media to share healthy, safe and accurate information (e.g., Fumble) face challenges including content being hidden or removed due to social media algorithms. 

This creates a barrier for young people seeking safe and reliable RSE information online. Backing our manifesto is the first step to tackling some of these issues. Together, we will create a plan of action to make online RSE safer and more accessible for young people.

Back our manifesto.

Young people deserve and have the right to information and education – that includes information related to relationships and sex education (RSE). Our survey found that 92% of young people go online for questions about relationships, sex or wellbeing, with many using online resources to access additional information from the experiences and perspectives of others, in private.

However, the online world can be harmful and almost 80% of survey respondents said that they do not know what information they can trust. Further, online RSE platforms using social media to share information (e.g., Fumble) face challenges including content being hidden or removed due to social media algorithms.

This creates a barrier for young people seeking safe and reliable RSE information online. Backing our manifesto is the first step to tackling some of these issues. We are bringing people together to start the public conversation on the use of the online world for RSE among young people and the realities, challenges and harms of this. Together, we will create a plan of action to make online RSE safer and more accessible for young people. Back our manifesto.

Fumble launched with the belief that all young people deserve quality, accurate education about sex, relationships, our bodies, our identities and our mental health. We make sure that young people have the skills and knowledge to successfully manage their sexual health, mental health and relationships today. We do this through our top quality, trusted digital content created in collaboration with young people.

We’re an award-winning, registered UK charity and we launched in 2017. We’re creating a happy healthy online world of RSE fit for the digital age, and young people’s voices are at the heart of everything we do.

This project has been generously supported by

Fumble is an award-winning UK charity creating a happy, healthy digital world of relationships and sex education with young people, for young people.

We make sure that young people have the skills and knowledge to successfully manage their sexual health, mental health and relationships today through our top quality, trusted, co-created digital content. We do this by providing a relevant, non-judgemental, trustworthy place for all young people to ask questions and find safe, quality answers via our website and social media. We also provide relationships and sex education (RSE) in schools, universities and other youth settings.

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