
What is mental health awareness week?

Hosted annually by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week spotlights mental health problems

Each year, the Mental Health Foundation choose something specific to focus on. This year they’re raising awareness on stress, the problems it causes and how we can cope.

“By tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances, self-harm and suicide,” they explain. “We will look at how we can tackle stress and help improve our mental health.”

A study by the foundation showed that 51% of adults who felt stressed also reported feeling depressed, and 61% reported feeling anxious. If you’re concerned about stress, here are some helpful tips on how to manage and reduce it.

How You Can Raise Awareness

Talk! Talk to family and friends about how you’ve been feeling lately, positive or negative, and encourage people to start to see talking about emotions and mental health as a normal thing to do regularly.

Social media is a brilliant tool for shedding light on mental health. It can be used to share personal stories, show solidarity and increase understanding.

The international symbol for mental health awareness is a green ribbon, so wearing one will instantly demonstrate your support.

Understanding Mental Health Problems

A big part of this week is about reducing the stigma surrounding mental ill health. There is lots of information available on the internet, but the mental health page on the NHS website is a reliable place to start, as well as our Fumble articles on mental health.

Don’t worry if you’ve missed awareness week this year – mental health is relevant all year round! There is never a bad time to support others, donate to charity, educate yourself and help to reduce the stigma.

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Last Reviewed 5 July 2023

Image Credit: Mental Health Foundation

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