
We need to talk about suicide

#Project84 is raising awareness around suicide onto the national agenda

Suicide is the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK. In 2015, men made up three quarters of all UK suicides. LGBT people are also twice as likely as heterosexual people to have suicidal throughs or attempt to take their own lives.

Shocked? Yeah, we are too. That’s why the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) launched a huge new initiative called #Project84. It’s putting the topic of suicide in front of a mass audience and starting a long-overdue dialogue about it.

With the support of ITV, #Project84 tells the stories of 84 men lost to suicide, representing the 84 men who take their own lives every week in the UK. YUP. EVERY. WEEK.

So where do we start with such a big issue?

Well to break it down a little, here are some things suicide isn’t: a disease, a choice, wanting to die, a selfish act.

And here are some things suicide is: a very real issue, not being able to cope with living, a selfless act.

So, what can we do?

Firstly, we can check in with our friends’ and our own mental health. It can be as simple as just asking someone how they’re feeling.

Secondly, we can talk about it. Because normalising conversation around the issue is the first step towards removing the shame which society has attached to suicide, the very same shame which stops those with suicidal thoughts seeking help.

And speaking of help, here’s a comprehensive NHS list of places to turn to if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts.

Other support

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Last Reviewed 5 July 2023

Image Credit: Daniel Reche via Pexels

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