
Project Consent video series: Sexual consent

Project Consent have made a fun video series – these animated body parts have a handy reminder about sexual consent

Cue Project Consent’s videos on sexual consent! Using several different situations, they show how it’s not okay to go in for sexual contact without checking first. They also show different and realistic ways of saying no or telling someone to stop. It can feel really tricky to say a direct ‘no’, and instead someone may move away, turn away, frown, not look happy or comfortable, or maybe say ‘hey’ or ‘nuh-uh’. A lot of people give and withdraw sexual consent through body language.

Jump straight to our Getting help section below if you want to access support around any experiences of sexual violence and unwanted sexual behaviour.

But whether you’re part of a loved-up couple or a happily single pringle, campaign Project Consent wants you to remember to check in with each other before making a move:

Whether you’re dancing…
Having a laugh…
Or just chilling out…
Getting help

If you’ve experienced any unwanted sexual behaviour or any kind of sexual violence, there are places you can go for help and support. You don’t have to manage this alone. There are specially trained professionals, who want to help, and you can disclose as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

Other support

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Last Reviewed 31 May 2023

Image Credit: Project Consent

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