
10 tips for achieving relaxation

Whether you suffer from mental ill-health or not, it is important to take time for relaxation – here are ten helpful tips
1. Find an animal friend

Many studies have shown that animals help reduce stress in humans, so find an animal to hang out with! You’ll not only achieve relaxation but enjoy yourself too (and who can resist a cute animal).

2. Cuddles

If there isn’t a handy animal nearby, a well-loved cuddly toy will do the trick, or a hug with another human.

3. Listen to music

There are lots of relaxing playlists out there, simply search ‘relaxation’ on the music streaming service of your choice. Many people also find a great way to release stress is by singing along to a favourite song.

4. Watch a well-loved film

Watching a familiar film or TV show can be a great way to distract yourself from any causes of stress. 

5. Drink a hot drink

There’s nothing a cup of tea can’t fix! We know this isn’t strictly true, but a cup of tea can feel very comforting after a stressful day – or another hot drink of your choosing, of course.

6. Watch ASMR videos

ASMR videos are lovely way to find relaxation. They can cause a tingly feeling round your head, and clear your mind of stress.

7. Try meditation

Meditation gives you a moment away from the rest of the world to feel at one within yourself. There are lots of guided meditations available on YouTube.

8. Self-massage

Massages are great, but if you don’t have the time or money to book yourself one, there are multiple self-massage techniques you can try yourself. Check out this step-by-step guide to self-massage.

9. Treat yourself

It’s important to treat yourself! Have your favourite snack or buy that thing you’ve had your eye on (just make sure it’s something you can afford and it’s something you really want).

10. Breathe  

The easiest way to relax also has guaranteed effectiveness. Focus on your breathing, trying to make it slow and even. Try counting to four as you breathe in, hold for a second, then breathe out for four. Resting your hand on your stomach helps you focus on the rise and fall of your breath.

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Last Reviewed 19 July 2023

Image Credit: Olena Bohovyk via Pexels

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