
Film: The Clitoris

Lori Malépart-Traversy’s brilliant short film looks at the unrecognised anatomy and unknown history of the clitoris

Introducing Lori Malépart-Traversy’s film about the clitoris! People often think of the clitoris as an ‘enigma’, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We just need more research and conversations about this incredible organ. In a nutshell: The clitoris is the pleasure centre of the vulva and vagina, and is the only part of the human body designed purely for pleasure. We go into more detail in our article: What is the clitoris?

Check out Malépart-Traversy’s film below:

Le Clitoris: Lori Malépart-Traversy
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Last Reviewed 16 January 2023

Image Credit: Lori Malépart-Traversy via Vimeo

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