
Time For Love: A video on homophobia

“I’ve got nothing against gays, but do you have to do it in front of my kids?” – homophobia that we need to talk about

Can we all agree that everyone should be able to kiss their partner goodbye? And that everyone should be able to hold hands in public with who they want to? Great. That’s a good place to start from. Perhaps if you’re heterosexual (straight), you’ve never even thought twice about it? But that’s not everyone’s experience. Despite this video being made in 2018, it’s sadly just as relevant today. We need to challenge this homophobia.

20-year-old Sean Lionadh, who lives in Scotland, was told by a passer-by: “I’ve got nothing against gays, but do you have to do it in front of my kids?” He was just kissing his partner goodbye.

That comment, among a sea of others, motivated Lionadh to pen a spoken word audio-visual poem titled Time for Love. Through the poem he explores homophobia. Check out the video below, posted on BBC Scotland’s The Social:

The Social: BBC Scotland
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Last Reviewed 25 July 2023

Image Credit: BBC Scotland, The Social

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