Morning after pill

Emergency contraception: Where to get the ‘morning after pill’

Here’s how to access the morning after pill if you’ve had a contraceptive slip-up and are worried about getting pregnant

If you’re having penis-in-vagina sex, one of the most important things you need to do (beyond getting enthusiastic consent) is sort yourself out with a suitable contraceptive option. There are loads of different kinds to choose from. You have lots of choice if you want to prevent a pregnancy and avoid sexually transmitted infections.

Most contraceptives (and no, the pull-out method doesn’t count) are highly effective at preventing a pregnancy. But sometimes things can go a bit wrong – perhaps the condom split, or you forgot to take one of your pills.

If you’re worried about a contraceptive failure, you can put your mind at ease by accessing emergency contraception. There are two types of emergency contraception:

  1. The ‘morning after pill’
  2. Intrauterine device, also known as IUD or coil

We’re going to focus on the morning after pill. In the UK, there are two types of morning after pill available. You can access these for free via the NHS or buy them from your local pharmacy:

  1. Levonelle or Levonorgestrel – which should be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of having unprotected sex, but it works best if taken within 12 hours
  2. ellaOne – which can be taken within 120 hours (5 days) of having unprotected sex, but ideally should be taken as soon as possible

If you need to get hold of the morning after pill, here’s a list of some of the places you can go.

Your GP 

Some GP surgeries supply the morning after pill, so it’s worth ringing your doctor to find out. You can also talk through your contraceptive options if you’re considering switching up your method of choice.

Cost: free 

Sexual Health/GUM Clinic

If your doctor isn’t able to supply the pill, or you don’t feel comfortable talking to them about your emergency options, another place you can go is a sexual health or GUM clinic. These places could also fit you with an IUD, which is the most effect method of emergency contraception. It’s a good idea to get to your local clinic early, as slots can fill up fast!

Cost: free 

NHS Walk-in centres and/or minor injuries units

Walk-in centres and minor injuries units also offer the morning after pill, but may not be able to fit you with an emergency IUD. It’s a good idea to get there as early as possible, and be prepared to wait a while to be seen.

Cost: free 


If you aren’t able to get to a GP or sexual health clinic, you can also get the morning after pill over the counter from your local pharmacy – this includes Boots and Superdrug as many of their stores have a pharmacy service. However, if you’re under the age of 16, you won’t be able to buy the morning after pill without a prescription from a doctor, so bear that in mind.

Your local pharmacist is someone who can offer clinical advice and many pharmacies have private consultation rooms. So if you have any questions or concerns about the pill or your want to know more about your contraceptive choices, a pharmacist is another good person to ask.

The cost of buying the morning after pill over the counter varies by brand and where you’re buying it from. The cheapest option is generic levonorgestrel – this is the unbranded version of Levonelle.

Cost: £9.99-£30+

These are the main ways to access the morning after pill. If you’re going to pick up the morning after pill, it could also be a good idea to discuss your contraceptive options with a GP, nurse, or sexual health clinician. These services are free and completely confidential – so why not take advantage?

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Last Reviewed 28 June 2023

Image Credit: Benjamin Moss via Unsplash

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