Why you should get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
I’d know if I had a sexually transmitted infection (STI), right? Not necessarily!
Luckily (or unluckily), people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) don’t develop flashing signs on their foreheads. Actually, it’s hard to know who has an STI just by looking at someone – even if they’re naked. That goes for ourselves as well. Many STIs don’t have symptoms, so lots of people don’t even know they have one. People pass on STIs through having sex: vaginal, oral and anal, as well as sexual touching.
How do we make our bed-hopping experiences safe?
We get tested! Think of it like the dentist. Rather than waiting until that molar is so painful that we can’t eat properly, we go regularly to see the dentist and check that everything is in order. The good news is that testing is free and available for everyone. So, let’s go! Find out where you can get tested and book yourself in.

Feeling a bit anxious about visiting?
That’s very understandable, first time or not. It can feel strange to reveal such intimate parts of our bodies to other people. Remember, it’s confidential and the staff are there to help you. It’s their job and they do this every day. It’s very normal for them.
After you’ve had your test and you’ve got a negative result back, condoms and dental dams are a great way to keep safe from STIs. If you have a partner(s), it’s important to ask them when they last had an STI check. A good rule of thumb is getting tested before every new sexual partner. If both of you don’t have STIs and you’re just having sex with each other, you’re good to go! If you are having sex with other people, it’s a good idea to continue testing regularly e.g. every three months.

But what if I have an STI?
Firstly, STIs are VERY common so don’t panic if you have one. It doesn’t mean you’re dirty or that you’ve done anything wrong. Most STIs are very easy to treat, with antibiotics. Health providers are there to support you if you have an STI, and we have some extra tips of what to do.
Other support
- Where to get a sexual health check in the UK
- Brook – Free STI home testing kits
- Brook – STIs and stigma
Read more
Last Reviewed 10 April 2023
Image Credit: Testalize.me via Unsplash