
Winter health

Fumble’s handy tips on staying healthy throughout winter

As temperatures drop during autumn and winter, it marks the beginning of seasonal colds, sniffles, bugs and anything else Jack Frost can throw at you. Here’s Fumble’s guide to staying healthy and tips to avoid the lurgy.  

Immune boosters

You’re much more likely to get ill without an efficient immune system to fight off invading diseases. Diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms that enter the body – these are known as pathogens. For example, a cold is caused by a virus whereas strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection.

Fortunately, a few easily-found foodstuffs can launch a pre-emptive strike against illness. In research published in the journal Food Pathogens and Diseases, garlic and ginger were found to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the body, while ginseng boosts antibodies which fight off pathogens already present. A multivitamin every day can help prevent illness.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an especially important immune booster. The Journal of Investigative Medicine found that ‘deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an increased susceptibility to infection’ in addition to being scientifically proven to improve your mood. Vitamin D is produced in your body when you’re in sunlight, but if you’re spending more time indoors during the dark winter months, sun is often hard to come by. This is also thought to be the real cause of the famous ‘winter blues’.

Apart from taking supplements, a small glass of orange juice with added vitamin D every morning is a refreshing way to get your daily intake of both vitamin D and C. Oily fish such as tuna and mackerel are also full of the vitamin, as are diary products such as cheese and egg yolks. Omelette for dinner, anyone?

Common as muck

Muscle aches, having not been to the gym in weeks? Blocked nose? Headaches? High temperature over 38°C? Chances are you’ve caught a full-blown cold. Dodge it next time by maintaining cleanliness, especially when it comes to washing your hands.

If your newly-revamped immune system can’t manage to fight it off once caught, there’s not much you can do. Just get plenty of rest, keep up your water intake and use the normal treatments: decongestants for your bunged-up nose, painkillers to assist with the aches. The worst of it will be over in a few days.

Perk up

Vitamin D does more than just make you happier; it also decreases the production of a hormone called melatonin. Too much melatonin will result in lethargy, and the lack of sunlight during winter is what keeps you consistently tired.

Unfortunately, coffee is a short-term solution. In addition to extra vitamin D, a study from the University of Georgia found regular exercise plays a ‘consistent and significant role in reducing fatigue’. A short morning workout – even better if you can get outdoors – will reduce the effects of lethargy and keep you fit while you’re at it. Switching sugary junk foods to whole grain carbohydrates will also prove more efficient at fuelling your body. Consider swapping Crunchy Nut for good old-fashioned, cheaper porridge to keep your energy levels shored up till lunchtime.

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Last Reviewed 28 June 2023

Image Credit: kostiolavi via Pixabay

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