Fumble is an award-winning UK charity, leading the way in supporting young people with their mental health, sexual health and relationships in the digital age.

Our website is a free-to-use alternative to misinformation and harmful content online.

An important part of Fumble is our Youth Advisory Board (YAB!): a diverse group of young people across the UK, aged 16-21, who steer everything we do.

Earn gift cards for your work and get involved with all things Fumble 👀


We’re welcoming new members!


YOUR mental health, YOUR relationships, YOUR identity, YOUR voice

Already interested? Sign up here!

Want to know more? Keep reading 👇

Who are Fumble?

We are an award-winning youth charity in the UK, creating a happy, healthy online world of free sex education.

Relationships, identity, and everything that comes with that, can be messy. We’re here to help. We’re an alternative to other less-than-trustworthy sources out there, and most importantly: all our work is led by young people and what you want.

Who can join the Youth Advisory Board?

Members need to be:

👏 Aged 16-21

👏 Living in the UK

👏 Passionate about inclusive sex ed!

That’s all we ask. If you want to be involved, we want you involved.

At the moment, we’re especially looking to bring more boys and young men, and young people from racialised communities into our wonderful YAB. Is that you? We’d love to hear from you.

We want our YAB to reflect the diversity across young people. Everyone has the right to sex ed support that speaks to their experiences.

What do Youth Advisory Board members do?

Get involved with all things Fumble!

💥 Meet other young people passionate about sex ed

💥 Co-create digital content for our website and social media platforms

💥 Write and feed into our existing content (articles, blog pieces, podcast episodes)

💥 Having your say on our funding bids

💥 Giving feedback on recruitment for our staff team and trustee board (e.g. being on our interview panel, reading through cover letters, etc.)

How do I sign up?!

Fill out our form, easy as that 😌 Sign up here!